Flutist by Nocturna Models

Submitted by Al LaFleche


Nocturna Models is a division of Historic Art Miniatures of Spain. They specialize in fantasy figures and one of their more recent releases is this Flutist. His is listed as 54mm but is on the slight side. The outfit is somewhat reminiscent of the popular landsknechts. Some commentators on line have likened him to a particular image of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull fame. When I first saw this figure  announced online, the thought that came to mind was the Pied Piper. The availability of 54mm rats from Plus Models and now Mantis make this a possibility for the painter.

The fantasy aspect also allows the painter full reign of his or her imagination in choosing colors. Whatever strikes your fancy is correct, no arguments about the right shade of [i]feldgrau[/i] here! The box art, in fact, shows two different schemes for this figure’s outfit.

The kit comes packed in small zip lock bag inside a urethane clamshell box with a two sided color print of the front of the figure. There are four gray resin parts: body, including head. Right arm /hand, left arm/hand with flute and a base grained wooden plank details. There are no instructions and none are needed as the assembly is most intuitive.

There are minimal mold lines on the hand only visible with a Swiss Army knife’s magnifying glass and/or extreme lighting. A couple swipes of a blade will clear them up. The right hand is very nicely sculpted with the fingers splayed out. There are also very minor mold lines inside each thigh towards the back. Again, this should clean up quickly.

The only downside is the relatively steep price for such a small figure.

$39.95 available from The Red Lancer