Categories 2025


1.1 Gundam - beginner or unmodified

1.2 Gundam - advanced or modified

2.1 Anime, Mecha & Non-Gundam

2.2 Ships & Boats 

2.3 Space & Science Fiction

2.4 Scratchbuilt & Miscellaneous

2.5 Collections (max. 3 models)

2.6 Juniors 16 & under

3.1 Figures - painting only

3.2 Figures - all aspects

3.3 Dioramas & Vignettes

4.1 Military Vehicles - smaller than 1:48

4.2 Military Vehicles - Tracked 1:48 & up

4.3 Military Vehicles - Wheeled/Half-tracked

4.4 Artillery - Towed & Immobile, all scales


5.1 Showroom Vehicles - no modifications

5.2 Modified Vehicles - rods, machines, custom

5.3 Competition Vehicles - open & closed wheel

5.4 Working Vehicles

6.1 Single Engine Prop - smaller than 1:50

6.2 Multi Engine Prop - smaller than 1:50

6.3 Jets & Rockets - smaller than 1:50

6.4 Single Engine Prop Axis - 1:48 & up

6.5 Single Engine Prop Allied - 1:48 & up

6.6 Multi Engine Prop - 1:48 & up

6.7 Jets & Rockets - 1:48 & up

6.8 Rotor Winged Aircraft - all scales

6.9 Rigged or Multi Winged Aircraft - all scales

6.10 Civilian Aircraft - all scales


Best Gundam Classes Award

Best Miscellaneous Award

Best Figure Classes Award

Best Armor Classes Award

Best Wheels Classes Award

Best Wings Classes Award


* Open Judging Award Recognition

To recognize good modelers, and encourage promising ones, WINGS & WHEELS uses the “Open” system to judge entries in certain Classes. The number and level of awards will vary, based on the models entered, and will support the goal that no deserving exhibit should go unrecognized.

For our Show, an exhibit (one or multiple entries from a single competitor) is judged on its own merit of workmanship and modeling skill, not against other exhibits in the Class.

Three Judges will decide which entry, within the modeler’s exhibit, is the best piece, and then independently score the selected entry on a scale of 0 to 4, for a maximum combined score of 12.

11-12 points will earn a Gold Medal, 8-10 a Silver, and 5-7 a Bronze.

for a more detailed description of our Open System Competition and judging process.

General Rules

1.      Entries must be substantially built and/or painted by the entrant.

2.      Entries must be made in person between 9am and 12 noon on the day of the Show. Proxy entries may be allowed at the Head Judge’s discretion.

3.      Models that have won an award at a previous ValleyCon event are not eligible for this competition.

4.      Entrants are limited to THREE (3) MODELS PER CLASS, WHICH MUST BE DESPLAYED TOGETHER, to allow us to judge your models in the fairest and most efficient manner possible.

5.      Junior modelers, aged 16 and younger, MAY elect to place their model(s) in a competitive Class, to be judged accordingly

6.      WE STRONGLY URGE ENTRANTS TO PLACE THEIR MODELS ON A ‘BASE’, TO MINIMIZE THE HANDLING, DURING JUDGING, OF THE MODEL ITSELF. We don’t want to touch your model, but we need to assess your work. Please help us to keep your model safe!. 

7.     While the Judges will make every reasonable effort to avoid touching your model(s), a fair assessment of your work includes the ability to view your entry(s) from all sides. It is MUCH easier and safer to be able to turn a base to view all aspects of the model, than to have to turn the model itself. Please keep this in mind as you plan your presentations on our tables - thank you!

8.      PLEASE DO NOT place your model on top of the Table Form – we don’t want to have to touch your model to get at your info! 

9.    We reserve the right to disqualify any model whose Table Form does NOT contain legible Entrant’s NAME or MODEL ID data., so please print clearly.

10.     We reserve the right to remove from competition or display any model deemed offensive or inappropriate, the Head Judge’s decision being final.

11.          NO ‘sweeps’; only one place award, per entrant, per Class.

12.    If there are fewer than three (3) entrants in an IPMS-judged Class, we reserve the right to choose the appropriate award for the work entered.

13.     Judging is based on the modeler’s demonstration of Basic Modeling Skills, and where appropriate, reasonable historical or factual accuracy.

14.   If your model is of a subject not generally known, or requires special knowledge to aid in appreciating your entry, please provide suitable documentation (often referred to as a ‘brag book’) with your entry to assist the Judges with their assessment. 

15.   We reserve the right to add, split, combine, or delete Classes, as necessary, to ensure a fair and manageable competition.

16.   Models in cases may be entered; if they are to be judged, the modeler must be willing to remove the case or covering, if so requested by the Judges.

17.   Fair Warning: Entrants who elect to remove their models from the tables prior to 3:30 pm (or such other time as the Head Judge decides) risk having their models NOT judged for certain awards, or photographed for our website.

18.   Awards MUST be claimed at the Show. We cannot mail awards.

19.   Wings & Wheels is not responsible for lost or damaged models, at, coming to, or going from the event.

20.   The decisions of the Judges are final.